eMedia Singing for Dummies Deluxe – Macintosh (SINGDUMDLX) For Cheap

eMedia Singing For Dummies Deluxe includes both eMedia Singing For Dummies and eMedia Singing For Dummies Level 2 together as one complete suite of singing lesson software for a great low price. Learn how to sing at home at your own pace. Professional singer and voice teacher Ory Brown, M.M., provides over 170 lessons to teach beginning voice students how to sing and others how to sing better. Her over 25 years of teaching and performance experience includes appearances at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and on the Late Show with David Letterman.
These easy-to-follow, interactive voice lessons help you learn how to sing in tune, enunciate lyrics, sing from your diaphragm, and understand the physical and musical aspects needed to improve your singing voice. Interactive Feedback technology listens to you sing using the computer microphone and lets you see if you are singing a note in tune. Performance Evaluation tracks the pitch and rhythm as you sing an entire piece. Color-coded notes show where you sang flat, sharp, or in tune, and the performance is given an overall score to make it easy to see your progress. Vocal exercises and songs are included for both male and female voices, in both high and low ranges. You get professional singing tips and learn how to sing over 75 great songs in multiple styles, including hits from Diana Ross and John Lennon.
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Child Index | New – Version: Windows Version, New – Version: Macintosh Version |